The Scottish Government describes a ‘Good Food Nation’ as “One where people from every walk of life take pride and pleasure in, and benefit from, the food they produce, buy, cook, serve, and eat each day”. If you are growing food in your community, whether at home, an allotment, community or market garden, orchard or farm, you are part of the solution.

Agricultural reform is not the only answer to more local nutritious food growing in Scotland, particularly when so much of our arable land is used for crops for the alcoholic drinks industry or animal feed and not direct consumption.

Our vision for a Good Food Nation is more local nutritious food growing, including people and communities across Scotland in growing more of what they eat and eating more of what they grow. We know that growing food in our communities and connecting people to the food system and nature is a powerful solution that improves innumerable issues from health to biodiversity loss, and there are powerful reasons for doing it, including addressing food insecurity and climate adaptation. As climate changes begin to affect areas where we import most of our fresh fruit and vegetables, our movement demonstrates how we can grow, distribute and eat nutritious food from our local area.

Can a national food plan, and the individual Local Authority food plans to follow, support more of this? We need investment in the Scottish edible horticulture sector, where community-led food growing is essential in growing and enabling a local food culture. A Good Food Nation is where the national and local plans recognise the value and raise the status of growing food in our communities in all forms and at all scales. We need more land, more people involved, skills shared and developed, and fairly paid jobs, to improve food security, decrease food poverty, and ensure everyone in Scotland can participate and benefit in a Good Food Nation.

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